HarryCaray said:
I did go to a psychiatrist. I do have panic and anxiety, but I have NO depression whatsoever. She didn't want to put me on Xanax or Valium because of their addictive properties, as she said (and I agree) I have an addictive personality.
I am really hoping not to go on SSRI's, I will probably seek a second opinion before doing so.
Most docs even in psychiatry don't want to put people on xanax or valium(the benzos). Even if you have an addictive quality, I believe it's better you go on benzos, something with less side affects than the SSRI's.
I personally like going to see a guy instead of a woman. Cause when i had sexual dysfunction caused by the zoloft(SSRI), i could talk about it much easier with another guy. Plus a guy has lived a life of other guys.
I believe we all have addictive personalities if you put something we like in front of us. Put beer in front of us and we'd drink it all the time. Put Jessica Alba in front of us and she'll do whatever we want, we'd be addicted to that. Put a ton of cash in front of us to do whatever we want, and we all would become addicted to that. Even to our favorite sandwich or tv show. We can get addicted to anything.
I believe the docs are encouraged by the c0rporations to push SSRI's is because the SSRI's are still in patent, which make the manufactures big money, while the benzos are in generic form, so it's really cheap, and manufacturers can't make big profits off of that. I believe whatever makes them the most money for a lot of docs or the manufacturer, they will try to push that certain product, rather than a product which makes them less money.
I would usually not recommend going to someone your regular doc recommends or the popular docs, because they pretty much tied to big business med manufacturers like paxil and zoloft and celexa. You might not get the super insurance coverage with more independent docs, but if you can get generic xanax or valium, it's worth it, it's cheap cause it's generic(patent has run out). Plus more independent docs aren't heavily influenced by drug companies to push their products, instead they look at all meds in a more unbias way.
And instead of spending money going to talk therapy each week(which comes boring after awhile cause there's usually nothing new to talk about, just the same ole problems), you can go once a month or longer. You ultimate decide what you want and how much times you want to go back. I think meds helps more than talk therapy. Again, my opinion.
I would try to look for a psychiatrist who is a psychopharmacologist or simply look for a psychopharmacologist. They specialize in meds. I can't guarantee you they will offer you benzodiapenes, but the chances are greater.
You can always go from one doc to another. Make it an adventure. Yah, it sucks cause it can get fustrating, but Keep going to one until you get what you feel is best for you.
These are merely opinions and ideas, up to you what you want to do.